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Acqua di Rose: Incontro di Meraviglie

Experience Acqua di Rose, our iconic skincare line blending the
beauty of damascus rose with the essence of Florence and the lush
gardens of Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella.
Treat your skin today.

Sign up below and follow our Instagram page
to redeem a 3-pc kit at our store in Isetan Scotts, L1.

Please provide a valid email


By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by LUXASIA Group for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in LUXASIA's Privacy Policy. See for more details.


1. Redemption is valid from 16 - 29 February 2024.
2. Limited to first 100 customers on first come,
     first served basis. While stocks lasts.
3. Gifts are non-transferable, non-exchangeable,
     and non-replaceable.
4. Limited to one time redemption per customer.
5. Other terms & conditions apply.


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