var formFields = $('#form .requiredMe'); var formSelect = $('#form .requiredMe'); var colNum = { 'SG': '8123 4567', 'MY': '12-345 6789', 'PH': '905 123 4567', 'HK': '5123 4567', 'ID': '812-345-678', 'VN': '91 234 56 78', 'TW': '912 345 678', 'TH': '81 234 5678', 'CN': '131 2345 6789', 'MC': '8312 3456' }; var countryCode = { 'SG': '+65', 'MY': '+60', 'PH': '+63', 'HK': '+852', 'ID': '+62', 'VN': '+84', 'TW': '+886', 'TH': '+66', 'CN': '+86', 'MC': '+853' }; var flagList = { 'SG': '1898be2c-576f-4a93-af3f-f7df8913556e.png', 'TW': 'dfc9c220-f570-45d1-9761-6700d7ece7d3.png', 'PH': 'f8947c52-139f-42df-8c3d-251c57b1db6d.png', 'TH': 'ecf087f6-c5ee-4b8c-9f23-76948ba09779.png', 'ID': '9bb59fa5-0424-4eb9-acd3-b32fae2c8217.png', 'CN': 'aea1efa7-830d-481f-875c-827ed4b982c0.png', 'VN': 'db12c508-a072-44a8-8b26-a28b2307eba0.png', 'HK': '44461072-82bb-4c3d-beb3-e0a029cd2c9a.gif', 'MY': 'bf5848f4-27a1-441f-a308-290c9f88be92.png', 'MC': '5a90f657-8560-4d76-a903-1ed9beece4ad.png' }; var consent = { 'SG': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'MY': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'PH': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'HK': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'ID': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'VN': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.', 'TW': '通過提交此表格, 我明白並同意所提供的任何個人資料可能會被盧亞公司用於市場行銷推廣或隱私權政策中指定的目的. 詳情請參閱', 'TH': 'เพื่อเป็นการแสดงว่าท่านได้ยินยอม / ยอมรับ ในแบบฟอร์มนี้ ตามข้อมูลส่วนบุคคของท่านที่ได้ระบุไว้ จะถูกเก็บรวบรวมและดำเนินการโดยบริษัทลัคซ์เอเซีย เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ทางการตลาดและวัตถุประสงค์ที่ระบุในนโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัวของบริษัทฯ(สามารถดูรายละเอียดได้ที่', 'CN': 'By submitting this form, I understand and expressly consent that any personal data which I have provided may be processed by Luxasia for marketing purposes and for purposes specified in Luxasia's Privacy Policy. See for more details.' }; var x = setInterval(function() { var now = new Date().getTime(); var distance = countDownDate - now; var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60)); var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)); var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); $('.ctmDay span').html(days); $('.ctmHour span').html(hours); $('.ctmMins span').html(minutes); $('.ctmSecs span').html(seconds); if (distance < 0) { clearInterval(x); $('.ctmBox').addClass('thisHide'); $(".countMeDown").append('
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